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What desktops are officially supported?#

You can make your own tracks to support whatever desktop or WM you want, this is just what we offer by default.

The language I want isn't there!#

Firstly, to change languages later on and check what's there, you can go to Settings > System (scroll down) > Region and Language.

To add a new language, edit /etc/locale.gen and add your locale. If you don't know what yours is, we need to construct it first.

Locales look like this:



Example: English (US)
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

You can find a list of country codes and language codes (look under set 1) on Wikipedia. All language and country codes are 2 letters long. Your encoding will always be UTF-8.

To help you further, the example locale.gen file with all options is included below, just copy one ending with UTF-8.

Once you have your locale, add it in on a new line in /etc/locale.gen. If you don't know how to edit the file, open a terminal window and type sudo nano /etc/locale.gen.

locale-nano Put the locale on a new line, right there.

Go to the end with the arrow keys and hit Enter to make a new line. Paste your country code in with Ctrl+Shift+V or just type it. Hit Ctrl+X to save.

Now, edit /system.yaml (covered further down) and add these lines:

  - 'locale-gen'

Some languages need additional fonts!


  - 'noto-fonts-cjk'


  - 'noto-fonts'

Bengali & Indic:

  - 'ttf-freebanglafont'

Cyrillic (i.e. Russian):

  - 'ttf-paratype'


  - 'opensiddur-hebrew-fonts'


  - 'ttf-khmer'


  - 'ttf-x2'

Save the file and update your system, then reboot.

Now, set your language. In the default GNOME desktop, you need to go to Settings > System > Region and Language.


Once there, click on Language.


Now, click the icon to show all languages.


My language still isn't there!

If you've installed the needed fonts for your language and it still won't show up, validate that your /etc/locale.gen and /system.yaml files are correctly formatted. If they are properly formatted, manually find and install a font for your language, then reboot.

Find your newly added language and click it, then Select. It will now show a banner at the top of the settings window saying that you need to log out to apply language settings. Click the Log Out button to do so.


Log back in, and revel in the fact that you can use your system in your own language.

System Settings (not Settings) may still be in English.

I want to change kernels!#

blendOS ships with linux-zen as it contains the required modules for Android support.

If you want to use another kernel, you will need to install the modules yourself.

Let's say I want to use linux-lts for an older device.

You need to make your own track to change kernels.

# Copy the base track but with linux-lts and linux-lts-headers innstead of linux-zen and linux-zen-headers
  - 'binder_linux-dkms' # (1)!
  1. Only add this line if you want Android support.
impl: ""
track: "my-lts-track"

The below steps are only applicable if you want Android support.

At this point, you've changed kernels. Now, create these new files to load the Waydroid modules:

# Load binder_linux at boot
# Options for binder_linux
options binder_linux devices=binder,hwbinder,vndbinder

Edit the GRUB configuration:

This is an extra step required to prevent a segmentation fault.

# find the below line and edit it to include ibt=off

Why can't I use another init system?#

blendOS relies heavily on systemd-nspawn for containers, which is like chroot but on steroids. It is included with the systemd package on Arch.

Why are my aliases not showing up on fish?#

blendOS has a file in /etc/profile.d that tells POSIX-compliant shells (i.e. bash, zsh) where to find your container binaries. These shells source it by default and understand the format. Fish is not POSIX-compliant. All you have to do is add the following to your ~/.config/fish/

if status is-login
    exec bash -c "test -e /etc/profile.d/ && source /etc/profile.d/;\
    exec fish"

The Plasma track isn't working!#

On the boot menu, hit E on the Arch Linux option. This will open an editor with controls shown at the bottom (arrow keys to move).

Remove splash from the kernel parameters and hit Ctrl+X.


This is only temporary, and will allow you to boot.

Once in your system, open the terminal. Type:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

This will open a basic editor (arrow keys to move).

Remove splash from the second GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT near the end and hit Ctrl+X to save and quit (hit Y to save, Enter to save as the same file name).


Now type:

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

The edit is now permanent and KDE Plasma should work.

What should go on the host?#

Things like:

  • Drivers
  • Game Launchers (as a flatpak or a host package)
  • Terminal emulators
  • Web Browsers
  • File managers
  • Desktops/WMs
  • Podman containers
  • Anything that doesn't work in containers or as a flatpak

What is updating?#

It means to click the Update button in System Settings.


You can also run sudo akshara update in your terminal.

This should be done after editing system.yaml.

Then how do I edit system.yaml?#

Open your favorite text editor as root:

sudo gnome-text-editor /system.yaml

sudo kate /system.yaml

# CLI editors
sudo nano /system.yaml

sudo micro /system.yaml

Make your edits, save, and update.

See the reference for details.

I need to switch to X11!#

Only the plasma and default-gnome/gnome tracks use Wayland.

Android support will no longer work after switching.

First, install Xorg and update:

  - xorg
* xorg is a package group, not a standalone package.

Then, change your session to X11 depending on your desktop's login screen:


There is a cog in the bottom right. Click it and choose GNOME on Xorg.


In the bottom left there is a session selector. Click it and choose Plasma (X11).